My sweetie just forwarded me this video and I had to share. It is absolutely genius...check it out!
Doesn't the driving beat of Radiohead's "15 Step" and Dave Brubeck’s "Take Five" blend seamlessly?! Now that is creativity!
I'm off to Quebec City for a week for a fantastic birthday celebration. I'll be away from the blog (not that I've been blogging worth a darn recently anyway!) but will be back the week of 3/9 with pictures from my trip, new inventory for the shop and lots of other fun finds. Enjoy your week!
The Perfect Partnership
Target Hits a Bulls Eye Again!
OK, I know I'm talking about Target a lot lately (they should be paying me!) but with this economy...I'm looking for inexpensive decor all the time. My friend sent me a link to these fantastic chairs today...Target joined the ikat train!
I swear that is Thomas Paul fabric. Check it out...
Looks familiar, huh?
And this little floral number is just lovely. Aren't they doing a great job? And all these chairs are $299! I mean really...that is a bargain! Ahh, it just makes me love them all the more!
Happy Valentine's Day!
Have a fantastic Valentine's Day weekend.
I just love this flower arrangement from one of my favorite Seattle florists...Maxine's. They make these gorgeous "basket" arrangements that are so whimsical and lovely...
So, if you need a last minute Valentine's Day gift, swing on by and pick one up. They are so unique and fantastic...they are sure to please! Have a wonderful weekend full of love...
More Fantastic Packaging
Now this packaging is clever! CCC Brands, a specialty food manufacturer in Chicago created a line of specialty spices that they wanted to share with the masses. They came up with the great idea of branding them around a '20s '30s era Chicago gangster theme and hired MondoVox to make the design come to fruition. Well, look what they came up with!
Called "The Spice Outfit" this fantastic line feature clear windows that display the sumptuous spices inside with each holding their own individual gangster identity.
Taking gourmet seasonings and giving them a kitschy, gift like theme is so smart. I guarantee consumers are willing to pay a little more for the specialty tin...what a great gift idea! Excellent job, if I do say so myself!
Images via Lovely Package and The Spice Outfit
Welcome to the Neighborhood Dubs!
Stein and I bought our first house in Ravenna in October and we just love it. Being in a neighborhood so close to the University of Washington is great. There are tons of wonderful little restaurants around, we are close to shopping and UW athletics are just a hop skip and a jump away! Because of this, I had to feature the University's newest member today. Welcome to the neighborhood are about the cutest mascot around!Peek a Boo!
You're already a local celebrity!
Come on over any time...our door is always open! Goooooo Huskies!
images via Alan Berner & The Seattle Times
I was blessed to take a trip to Florence a year and a half ago and absolutely fell in love with the city. The spectacular architecture, amazing art, warm people, exquisite food and superior shopping makes it one of my favorite places in the world. While there, I took a sneak peek into a new group of luxury vacation residences that are so unique and beautiful, they took my breath away...
Palazzo Tornabuoni is a residence club run by the Four Seasons in the heart of Florence. It is housed in a 15th century palace which was once the home to Pope Leo XI and the Medici family. It is a membership only club featuring spectacular amenities and the most lovely accommodations I've seen.
It is so dreamy and GORGEOUS! Look at this living room...perfection.
The high ceilings, the moldings, the dark wood floors. White and luxurious and pops of pink. I don't think I could imagine anything better. But then you go to the bedroom...
I would love to lie down in that cushy bed after a long day of site seeing...and then spend some time here...
Are you kidding me? A chrome bathtub? And that amazing mosaic floor. I think it is heaven.
The beauty doesn't stop here. They've really restored these places so perfectly. Luxurious linens, amazing decor, opulent bathrooms AND modern kitchens...
It is really unbelievable. I wish I was there right now...ah, in my dreams! Check out more pictures at their wonderful website and if you're a true high roller, join the club! And then take me with you. ;)
Announcing...the Suite 7 Creative SHOP!
At long last, I finally have my etsy shop up and running! I've stocked 6 unique Valentine's Day designs and will be adding more pieces soon. Expect to see monogrammed stationery, sweet note cards, custom invitations and unique paper goods for every occasion.
Until then, here is a preview of our current stock. Visit the shop any time, or if you're in Seattle our products are available at the ever chic Muse Coffee Company as well. Enjoy and happy shopping!
I {heart} Beautiful Packaging
I love packaging. I really do. When studying design in school, packaging was what made my heart soar. I knew, when I graduated, I would dive into the world of professional packaging design head first. Well, life took over and I never quite fulfilled my dream. In fact, through the days of wonderful design in other arenas, I kind of forgot about packaging design all together. I always appreciated it, but forgot how much I LOVE it.
I've decided in an effort to reconnect with what I love, I should highlight some of the best packaging I've seen in a long time....drum roll please, take a look at Love Joy Vodka...
Ahhh, the proportion of the bottles, the modern patterns, the perfect typography. I adore the concept of having different labels for the same product allowing consumers to choose which design fits their mood and decor.
Clean, award worthy design. It is perfect. Designer Jared Milam deserves huge props! I am officially inspired...
images via Lovely Package